The Birth of the Church and Promise of Salvation (Acts series, part 3 of 4)

2 years ago

Jesus had promised to send the gift of the Holy Spirit to help, counsel, and empower His followers. God used the timing of Pentecost to set the stage for the gospel to be proclaimed as thousands of visitors were in Jerusalem for the feast. Peter’s bold sermon (the first sermon in church history) reinforced Jesus being the Messiah as Joel, David, and other OT prophets predicted, and Scripture was fulfilled. The gospel was preached and the first day, among both Jews and Gentiles – about 3,000 people were convicted and converted. The four major activities of the church are learning God’s Word (the teaching of Scripture), communion (breaking bread), fellowship, and prayer. This was the model set for true community in the body of Christ. Just as Jesus entered the busy city on Palm Sunday during Passover week, God chose Pentecost to send the Holy Spirit.

Acts chapter 2 can be divided into five sections:

1. The arrival of the Holy Spirit (2:1 – 2:13)
2. Peter’s first major sermon explaining what they were witnessing (2:14 – 21), and
3. Proclaiming the gospel (2:22-36)
4. The reaction of the people and first converts – both Jews and Gentiles – about 3,000 people (2:37-41)
5. The major activities and disciplines of the early church including united worship (Acts 2:42-47)

In Acts, those who believed and experienced the filling of the Holy Spirit typically began speaking with others immediately, sharing the truth of Jesus Christ. We too, are witnesses!

Taking a cue from the arrival of the Holy Spirit, the first event in church history was Peter’s powerful sermon which led to three thousand conversions and launched the Christian church. Preaching the Word has always remained central to the primary mission, but today’s church has generally been silent and ineffective in changing or preserving culture for Christ. Why?

SCRIPTURES: Acts 2:1-47
Joel 2:28-32
Psalm 16:8-11
Psalm 132:11, Psalm 89:3, and Matthew 22:43-46
Romans 10:11-14

Oct 11, 2016

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