The Age Of Kneeling For Racism.

2 years ago

Have you ever considered that taking the knee is you atoning for your sins? You are admitting you're the racist. Oh, you can assume all you like that you represent white people, but you don't you speak only for yourself... RACIST!

I don't know how the Australian Cricket team look at themselves in a mirror. They should be ashamed of themselves for how it looks when they only bend the knee in front of black people and not consistently through your season. How much do you need to attention seek your white knight superiority? THEN YOU LOST TO THEM! The shame you must feel.

BTW, the whole bending the knee business is aimed at the organisation BLM, a communist profiteering operation than has done nothing go for any black people but those running the organisation. Those black people taking the knee are communists or idiots, pretty much the same thing anyway.

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The Antitheocrat.

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