Shepard have insane courage - "I'm going in!" - Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition [PC 1080p HD]

3 years ago

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How EDI is born, from fire and smoke!

While investigating Prothean technology on Mars, Shepard's team recovers a Cerberus synthetic infiltration unit masquerading as "Dr. Eva Coré". EDI assists in extracting vital data from the unit, and in the process, she seizes control of the body. In EDI's words, "it was not a seamless transition", as the Normandy malfunctions and EDI herself goes offline from the rest of the ship during the takeover.

Regardless, EDI claims to exist primarily within the ship even with the new body. Although she recommends the platform to be within Normandy's broadcast or tightbeam range for optimal control, she suggests the body can provide limited-fire ground support and can reach areas the ship can't.

Shepard can ask EDI about her new body's capabilities and advantages. EDI initially starts comparing the new body to the Normandy, though Shepard reminds her to compare it against organic bodies. Her body is resistant to modern small-arms fire and temperature extremes in addition to having excellent balance and agility. She adapts the body's existing software for hand-held firearms rather than downloading one from a security firm. When Shepard questions this, she says she wishes to experiment with the body to perform improvements on her own.

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