Facing Trials, Tribulations, and Testing of Your Heart

3 years ago

Trials, tribulations, and the testing of your heart are sure to come. Here are 5 great examples from the bible of how to face endure and overcome adversity.

When facing trials and tests we have two basic options: Give up, or gird up your loins and endure. The purpose of this message is to review 5 examples of endurance in the lives of faithful servants of God:

The endurance of Joseph and the testing of faith
The trials of Jeremiah
The trials of Job and the testing of the heart
David: to act or wait?
Jacob: the man who struggled with God

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The kingdom of God and the promises of God are worth fighting for! Now is not the time to say, "God is asking too much of me", "no one told me it was going to be so hard". If the ministry did not warn you to count the cost, then shame would be upon them. But I think the ministry does ask each man, and woman, to count the cost. I know the word of God and of Christ sure do. Matthew 10:34-39.

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