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Covetousness - The 10th Commandment of God

3 years ago

Covetousness does harm to us emotionally and spiritually, which is why it prohibited the 10th commandment. To covet means to focus on what you are able to get out of life rather than what you are able to give. Jesus told us "it is better to give than to receive". So understanding what a covetous spirit is is important to our spiritual growth.

The word for covet in the old testament is Chamad {Hebrew} meaning "to set you heart upon" or greatly desire. Of itself it is itself value neutral. What makes this desire good or bad depends on what is coveted.

The word for covet in the new testament is Epithumeo and has the same value neutral meaning... to greatly desire.

So the 10th commandment is about much more that just greed or envy... it is a prohibition on all forms of materialism.

Coveting the fruits of the spirit is good
Coveting your neighbors goods, or coveting thy neighbors wife... is bad

The 10th commandment of God covers desire of all categories of material things: property, family, wealth, success. God commands us to avoid coveting because it is not good for us. Better that we cultivate a spirit of contentment.

3 Steps To Overcoming Covetousness
1. Love & Obey God - love of money can push out God out of your thoughts and out of your actions

2. Have faith and confidence in God- Think ahead... wrap your mind around all the experiences and joys that will be available to you if you possess eternal life

3. Practice Generosity - get engaged with your time, money, and attention

Request our free bible study aide - The Ten Commandments https://www.ucg.org/bible-study-tools/booklets/the-ten-commandments

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Read this message on our blog - https://ucgraleigh.blogspot.com/2020/09/covetousness-sin-you-commit-against.html


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