Secrets about cats that you need to know when raising

2 years ago

Features to note when raising a cat:

Cats are very susceptible to stress, as long as there is a change in their life such as: having another animal to live with, changing homes, too many strangers watching them, etc.

Excluding the young, kittens tend to meow to get the mother's attention.  Most cats communicate with humans by their vocalizations.  Every time they chirp it means they want your attention.

Only the head is the part that all cats are comfortable for you to touch.  For other locations, please touch to know…

Cats very often grind their nails, so if you don't want things in your house to be scratched, you should invest in a "boss" rake.

At reproductive age and post-breeding, you should have them spayed.  This is a very humane act.  For female cats, you are freeing them from constant pregnancy.  As for male cats, you are helping them avoid prostatitis in cats.

Most people think that keeping a cat is not beneficial, but only brings disaster to the body.  They think that cat hair will make people suffer from asthma or pneumonia, or can easily cause diseases such as cat and dog flu, etc. The truth is unless you are super lazy and "dirty" to the point of not being hygienic.  At home, these diseases can appear.  Contrary to popular belief, owning a cat brings you benefits that even you did not expect

Having a cat makes you more diligent and cleaner và

Preventing diseases such as depression, heart disease, increasing the immune system, etc.

Reduce feelings of loneliness

Teach us great lessons that only they can do such as: responsibility, trust, unconditional love, communication skills, etc.

Improve your health by doing fun activities with them

Cat people tend to be quite cat-like.  Or to put it another way, the cats we raise often have the same personality as their owners.  Everyone needs a best friend in life, why not raise a cat next to you to be your friend.

Other interesting information about cats
There are about 71 different cat breeds in the world.  In Vietnam, there are about 13 breeds of cats that are suitable for the weather, climate and culture.  In which, in turn, are the breeds: British short-haired cat, British long-haired cat, Scottish Fold cat, Ragdoll cat, Munchkin cat, ... the prices to be able to own a cat are also extremely diverse.  Ranging from a few hundred thousand to tens of millions of dong.  Depending on the preferences and economic conditions of each person, choose your favorite cat breed to raise.  In addition, our cats are also very cute and endearing, as long as you take care of those cats, they are round enough, they are just as lovely as other ornamental cats.  Another plus point if you have a cat, it means you are rescuing many abandoned cats.  A job worthy of commendation.
You may not believe, animals in general and cats in particular, they have a language to converse with people.  Many studies have shown that when cats stare at you and then blink at you, it's a sign that they love you.  Moreover, the tail is also how they are using their own language to signal and tell you something.  Do not believe it?  If you want to be verified, contact an available animal language class right away

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