AWE-Struck Living

2 years ago

Out of the mouth of babes comes such light, truth, hope and encouragement. Are you willing to learn from the sweet, honest, genuine faith of a child? I am. Sometimes we are way to serious, way to dutiful to the point of stressful living. I call this adulting religiosity, and the enemy smiles when we fall into this trap because it steals our joy. Religion is stressful, relationship is sweet. Why would God make “joy” as the strength of our inner soul if He did not want us to experience it? Make it personal with God, grow through in your relationship with God to joy and awe of God. God is amazing, wondrous and incredible and we should be awe-struck with reverence for our God. This is what I see in children, that child-like faith and unconditional love, this is what I can learn from them. Seriously, make your relationship with God, personal, heart to heart. Be found with God, not doing exhausting performances for God. In this world of human doing, we are unaccustomed to opening our hearts wide to God, being genuine in that simply-significantly honest kind of way with God. In our “doing” our true heart and motives are not revealed and joy is lost in our theatrical production of all things us. Are you exhausted from trying so hard to “do”, doing rather than just “being” with God? Change it up. The challenge for us on this day is to start with God first, in the all of our everything, choosing from moment to choice, to begin with God, make it personal with God. Practice being Awe-Struck, following the AWE and pursuing the wonder of God, developing our Awe of God in that all of our everything, start with God.
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