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Training Video 3A-(The Starting Procedure) Treating acute and chronic disease with MMS1

3 years ago

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Training Video 3A-(The Starting Procedure) Treating acute and chronic disease with MMS1

In TUA University training video 3A you will learn about The starting procedure for treating acute and chronic disease with MMS1 (acidified sodium chlorite). This is important. Don't skip it.

This is video #3A of the 8 part series

Introduction https://bit.ly/tua-intro
Video 1: https://bit.ly/video-1-MMS-History-and-Demo
Video 2: https://bit.ly/CDS-history-and-demo
3A-Starting Procedure for MMS Protocols
3B-Treating Acute and Chronic Disease with MMS1
4-Treating Acute and Chronic Disease with CDS
5-How to Make the Acid Activator Solution
6-How to make the Sodium Chlorite Solution
7-Wrap-up FAQ and Resource Review

Join TUA Telegram Channel: https://t.me/theuniversalantidote


  • 0/2000
  • I have been following Andreas Kalcker for 10 years. I use his protocols. He does not recommend using the MMS protocols because they are outdated. The taste is unpleasant and what you are getting is the mixture of two chemicals Sodium Chlorite (NACLO2) and Hydrochloric Acid (HCL). What you should be doing is mixing 25% Sodium Chlorite with 4% HCLto create the chemical reaction which in turn produces Chlorine Doxide (CLO2) gas. This gas should be captured in water. The CLO2 solution can then be diluted to 30 PPM and then used to treat an illness. To know more go to Andreas Kalcker's website. He explains in more detail how to cure Covid-19.

  • when preparing a 1/4 drop dose, why not use 2 drops and add 2 cups water and drink a 1/4 cup from the bottle each hour? save a lot of preparation and discarding material?

  • Why wouldn't you just go to your nearby camping supply store and buy water purifier tablets? Mix it up, and drink a cup of it. MUCH simpler.

  • I suffer with brain fog and comprehension due to fibromyalgia. I am having so much trouble understanding this. please help. This is what I think I got. one drop of each. wait 60 seconds. add 1/2 cup of water and drink one quarter of the glass then throw the rest away. repeat every hour on the first day. second day drink one third. This day drink half. is this correct?

  • Thank you for this wonderful information.

  • Thank you for sharing this.Please chk this out, we need to change the narrative on viruses if we want to get out of the control system being built around us. I am glad you showed the radioactive danger symbol,in the items which this prohibits or heals, because many are learning that radioactive poisoning is actually the primary cause ( or at least a large part of ) of what people are mis-diagnosing as viral infection. This will help to clarify the confusion...Please chk this out, I read the research on convid in the beginning & found out it was fraudulent, I would highly recommend that everyone chk into it. if it's not a virus, then what made me sick? https://www.bitchute.com/video/AtP8yEq8GJu5 AMANDHA VOLLMER-BOMBSHELL EVIDENCE THAT COVID IS CHROMOSOME 8 HUMAN DNA - FAULTY PCR TEST https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZQTavNa3KDpw/ The Viral Challenge -Andrew Kaufman,M.D., Dr Tom Cowan, Drs Mark & Sam Bailey https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/settling-the-virus-debate/

  • CDS is made for pharmaceutical use.

  • Thank you for posting! Appreciate your work so much.

  • Throw it out Because it evaporates and loses potency.

  • When your starting out with your 1/4 drop. Why does he have you throw the rest away? Why can't you use it for the next time?

    1 like
  • what is the difference between CDS and MMS? I am so confused.

    1 like
  • Typo on the beggining SPLASH opening

    1 like
  • So i can add 8 activated drops of MMS to 500 ML water and drink it all in 8 hours?

    1 like
  • thank you, but the procedure is confusing when you say activate one drop and let it stand (I get that) but how do we discard extra water? toss it out? and only continue with what is left? help....ok wait...just read the comments and they very informative. I get it now. It it only last for half an hour. Must make a new batch the next hour. ok...but what would happen if one drank the whole cup? too much at one time? anyway I will not do that. just askin.