Tanzania how can Goat, Papaya, Pawpaw test positive to Corona Morning Call

3 years ago

Tanzania how can Goat, Papaya, Pawpaw test positive to Corona Morning Call



There has been a top and controversial sacking in Tanzania. Head of the country’s national health laboratory in charge of coronavirus testing was suspended, a day after President John Magufuli questioned the accuracy of the tests. On Sunday President Magufuli, who has consistently downplayed the effect of the virus shocked the world when he said animals, fruits and vehicle oil had been secretly tested at the laboratory. Now, take a read at some of the specific things he said had been tested. A… READ MORE :

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" Deep State ,, szabadkömüves tulajdon a világban mainstream media (főáramu média) 😢😥😰😭😡 Deep State >> emberek tömege, általában a kormányzati szervek vagy a katonaság befolyásos tagjai, akik vélhetően részt vesznek a kormányzati politika titkos manipulálásában vagy ellenőrzésében ...

a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.

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