Nations Demand Press Freedom for Hong Kong, 3631

2 years ago

Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Twenty countries have issued a joint statement demanding an end to China’s attack on press freedom in Hong Kong.
Called the Media Freedom Coalition, the multi-national group was established in 2019 to advocate for press freedom and the safety of journalists.
The MFC issued a statement issued on Saturday that states:
“The use of the National Security Law to suppress journalism is a serious and negative step which undermines Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and the rights and freedoms of people in Hong Kong….”
Freedoms which were so normal that they were taken for granted have suddenly disappeared in the once-thriving financial hub of Asia since the Chinese Communist Party’s imposition of a draconian national security law last summer. Dozens of pro-democracy advocates are now either facing prosecution, or sitting in jail without bond, if they have not fled overseas as political refugees.

Even Amnesty International has recently joined in with criticism; stating that the new National Security Law:
“… has put Hong Kong on a rapid path to becoming a police state and created a human rights emergency for the people living there.”
On June 17, five hundred police officers raided the largest pro-Democracy newspaper in Hong Kong, Apple Daily. Their founder, Jimmy Lai has been serving prison terms for supporting Hong Kong’s mass protests two years ago during the height of the anti-CCP – Chinese Communist Party - pro-democracy movement where the streets of Hong Kong were filled with American flags begging for the United States to somehow intercede to protect Hong Kong, a one-time British colony.
In the post World War 2 period, millions fled China into Hong Kong to escape the civil war with the Communists. This brain drain formed the intellectual core of the new Hong Kong. Hong Kong now has the largest concentration of ultra high-net worth individuals of any city in the world. It also has the largest number of skyscrapers of any city in the world. But despite this ultra-high density population, its residents have some of the highest life expectancies in the world.
The CCP did not invade Hong Kong when they took power over China in 1949 because Hong Kong was still under the protection of the UK, and in essence, the U.S.; and China was bound by an existing treaty to allow Hong Kong to remain under British Lease until 1998.
Hong Kong’s economy exploded and it is now one of the world’s leading financial hubs, a model of free market capitalism, but this is burst of freedom now under serious threat, and the closure of Apple Daily is a significant turning point in Hong Kong’s history.
Just as in the U.S. where big tech and their social media outlets are censoring anyone and everyone who hold different political opinions from their mostly Maoist beliefs, on June 28, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), according to the Epoch Times, issued a statement expressing concerns about the viability of a free press going forward.
The reason given is not just about the overt jailing of media giants in Hong Kong, but the chilling effect that has on all reporters. After Jimmy Lia’s jailing, and the June 24 shutdown of Hong Kong’s Apple Daily, local media started self-censoring, deleting published videos and commentary articles for fear that the CCP was applying artificial intelligence scanning methods to compile social scoring systems – or social credit scores - on individuals.
Social credit scoring is not some Orwellian nightmare, it’s here now in China, and even worming its way into U.S. commercial databases.
Everyone needs to come up to speed on this insidious new way to covertly undermine political dissenters because it now can affect your ability to get a big-ticket loan like a mortgage or eves a job.
My personal social credit score has caused Facebook to permanently ban me from posting on the 6 Facebook channels I had unlimited access to in the past. Yes, this report has numerically become the enemy of communist insurgency into the United States.
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We, at the Still Report, on advice of our network, had to delete nearly half of our library of over 4,000 reports on YouTube earlier this year – a form of self-censorship – in order to preserve this channel by preserving our connection with you.
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We are going to eventually come out from under this massive black cloud of onrushing totalitarianism, but not until the next Congressional elections in Nov. 2022 – that’s a long, long 15 months away.
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I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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