amazing rabbit wisdom protects her cubs

2 years ago

It is usually lack of knowledge of the natural habits of rabbits.
1- The rabbit DOES NOT stay in the nest, it is only for the offspring, she enters only to breastfeed.
2- Some rabbits stay close to the nest all the time, but others move away and stay farther away.
3- Breastfeeding in general is 1 (ONE) time a day, usually at night when everything is calm, silent and with no one around. There are some non-standard cases, such as rabbits feeding all the time, but it is not common.
4- Breastfeeding lasts only a few minutes.
5- The rabbit does not lie on its side to breastfeed, it stands upright and the chicks crawl under it on its back to nurse, so even seeing the mother inside the nest, one may think that she is not breastfeeding. Sometimes, while nursing, she licks the puppies to clean them.
6- The rabbit has 6 good breasts and 2 that give little milk, so if you have more than 6 puppies there will always be one that got hungry. This causes some chicks to try to leave the nest in search of the mother, they are guided by the mother's body heat and crawl underneath to suckle, as soon as the rabbit notices, it runs away, as it will only nurse at the time programmed by instinct. NEVER FORGET THAT ANIMALS DON'T HAVE OUR REASONING, she can't understand that the number of puppies surpasses her breasts and she has to increase the number of feedings. In the case of many puppies, the whole time of weaning is a rush of mother running away and brood running after, but nature can make up for all the deficiencies, I have never lost any puppies for large litters, I've had 11, 9, 8 puppies per litter and all grew up healthy.
7- Breastfeeding lasts 35 days. Do not separate the puppies from the mother before their time unless you have a new birth at 30 days or you are hurting the puppies.
8- If the mother dies before completing 30 days, she can feed the kittens with milk for kittens that you buy in Pet Shops and give it with a specific syringe to give medicine to pets.
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