climate change- A HOAX?.... poverty , climate & vaccine inequity all discussed and UNCOVERED!

2 years ago

Good morning and happy July 13 th- a blessed day today- will we see GOD touch down on earth Soon- stay tuned.
In this vid I discuss climate change the reality of it all , versus what the masses are “ fed”.... yes it is manufactured and a big fake out, next is poverty and vaccines and it’s reality- it a big population die off people as the 1% strives continually to control the food of the world it is how they then control disease and this in fact then controls ones choices and money... let’s take a stand TOGETHER, fight back, no time for vacations people now is the time the real work begins as Satan hopes you go and take a vacation on a tropical beach while he slaves away at his plan to destroy further and control- people wake up before it is too late!... let’s work harder than Satan versus go on picnics and party and drink and live in the dark..... roll up your sleeves dig in your heels and let fearlessness take hold and spread,
As well
I touch on suicide and how it is impacting our present day world and my next vid tomorrow will tackle how to defeat it and regain self control and have no fear over death or living, stay tuned,
Peace and love to everyone today and forever
For just as GOD catches me he will catch you too as WE ARE ALL GODS CHILDREN,
Say no more to bullying and false Gods and false perceptions for without proof that is all they are, false and destructive, destructive towards God,
GOD BLESS, be thankful and practice grace as I try my best to,
Love always Jemma xo

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