My lazy ass and an everyday stoner doing nothing typical life and a typical mess. ☺️😜

2 years ago

Me being bored waiting for my meds to kick in smoking some of my medicine and I decided to take a dramatic art School film of messy donor table made out of milk cartons and it's just a raw on stage photo of what a typical desk that is made out of a couple of pieces of plywood duct tape a couple of milk cartons and has all of My essentials for daily living just a snapshot of a reflection of the justification of being a person peace with you your Center and it shows you through. its normality of looking at the shadow of a earth that has hey inverted clarity of the world in a macro sense looking through the lens of the absolute micro focused world on you in the moment. It's the polarity between the normality and the connection of people on a deep visceral level. The shadow that we deal with to keep balance is to have ups and downs but that is the reality being revealed. A new level of spirituality is being thrust upon this age and we're in the middle of a spiritual war. With more insight and knowledge of how reality reacts to us and the observation of the complete stillness that becomes from the global consciousness or The ether that we all have connected with a vibration which is actually the stillness life like ocean waves when you think of the ocean you don't think of a way it's a singularity that is bigger than any part of the ocean itself. I believe that the perception of our world is changing right in front of our eyes and we are in a war we are literally in the middle. The brain is more like very sensitive quantum based using chemical electrical and crystals that are in pineal gland two different types two different shapes and they say they are piezoelectric crystals which makes our brain a very high-tech radio/receiver so who are sending the thoughts that just bring up out of nowhere it's hard to think of nothing it's difficult to meditate and keep your head from wondering and then you'll realize you're not in control there's actually two of you the right and the left half of the brain are unique and you don't need one or the other you could live with one half of your brain and be normal. But people that have had this surgery for seizures where they cut the connection between the two hemispheres and report say that people will get into arguments with the other half one side the left side of the analytical side of the brain it's speech and math but the right side works with imagery symbols and more esoteric interpretations of things that's where your creative spark comes from the right side and if you're good with me and language that's the left side. But people report that sometimes they'll pick out a shirt to wear and the other hand on the other side of the brain will actually pick a different shirt and you will get into an argument about what you're going to wear between the two hemisphere so your brain which means the old life so the devil and an angel is true the evidences there the brain isn't mostly a receiver transmitter we do nothing we don't breathe we don't pump or blood we don't filter truly kidneys are liver and we don't grow our hair and nails that's all automatic just like when you open your brain/ antenna you get a complete dream that you can't really tell the difference that it's any different than reality when you're dreaming or you get your conscious is a frequency of thinking of the thoughts that come to you this is why it's good to sleep on an idea because of ego or your higher self maybe even a deep subconscious part that deals with a day's worth of information and sorts it out automatically as your hair grows and your blood pumps as sleep time is where you have time to work through the day. Come up with the best plan of action and see through . I'm just saying all of this over a simple video of a moment of pure regular moment in life but this lets me actually take it and make it something new different. To question yourself and the way to see deeper than a quick look. By doing this thing is become amazing and magical even the ''ordinary''. It's staged just as if it's a normal moment in my little life. With the power of self-reflection on the memories of your life and dreams. This is how the small meaningless moments is now has become bigger than the trivial. Normality is the device of the mind and it's infinite potential of life capability of changing the moment utilizing the mundane to express the miracles in people. We are all waking up spiritually and seeing what we were fooled and tricked by pure evil that inverted the entire world. But as this video proves you can take nothing but a moment of real life and turn it into an artificial moment captured and shared with other people it's not about the video it just opens the discussion of how you interpret what you see and how maybe you just look. It's a time where you can ask yourself questions of why you said or felt different things at different times it will help you understand yourself. Once you fully understand and integrate your Shadow you should be in the harmony producing state and people around you will notice as well. We're in the middle of a big energy substance to Aquarius. We're going to see things in the next few months dad nobody's ever seen I believe. God bless have fun don't take the world too serious because all is mind.

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