Texas Democrats to break quorum in special session over voting rights

3 years ago

The Democrats repeatedly stated that Trump was / is not above the law. Democrats repeatedly chastises the Republicans for "not breaking with Trump," saying that Trump has a grip on the Republicans. Democrats repeatedly do whatever they want when the Republicans object to the Democrats. And now, the Democrats are breaking the law by leaving the special session, and the state of Texas. The Democrats need to be arrested, and locked up. The Democrats are not above the law. Kamala Harris has gone on record applauding the Democrats for breaking the law. If Trump applauded the Republicans for breaking the law, the Democrats would be outraged, and the fake news media would be all over him with endless criticisms. She needs to be immediately removed for encouraging the Democrats to break the law. Once again, Trump is not above the law, and the Democrats are also not above the law. In other news, I find hilarious that the Democrats want to get rid of the filibuster so the Democrats can push their agenda through, without the Republicans stopping them. I guarantee you this... Just like the Democrats are crying about not being able to stop the Republicans now, they will also be in a huge panic when the Republican's control the house, senate and POTUS, and the Democrats cant stop the Republican's from doing what they want in the future..

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