Medical Advice straight from the CCP and CNN

3 years ago

Listen to this communist speak as if your God-Given, Natural Rights which are protected in the Constitution are some kind of "Bargaining Chip."

Maybe someone needs to explain to witch-doctor #Wen that in America, the Constitution was created to protect people's Natural, God-Given Human Rights from people like her AND from people in Government like her!

God gave you these rights and NO MAN can take them away! PERIOD!
ANY MAN that tries is what you call a Tyrant, and we hang or imprison tyrants here in America, NOT implement their Evil plans!

Go live in a Communist Country if you want to take people's freedoms and violate their natural, God-Given Rights, because in America Government exists for only one reason.... And that reason is to DEFEND THOSE RIGHTS AGAINST TYRANTS LIKE YOU!

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