Tonight was Historic. So Proud to be an Aussie

2 years ago

It was just an epic night. After getting another "Monday" out of the way, my great buddy, Paul, send this message over to me on Whatsapp.

How sneaky they didn’t even tell us about this petition and there only 4 days left to sign it !!! If you don’t want to be forced into taking the vaccine then sign the petition , we have every right to choose what vaccines go into our bodies and they can’t force you into it ! They need 100,000 signatures to stop them making it mandatory so far there 24,000 share around and sign it or we will lose our choice !

Copy this and paste Into your search bar ! VV
XMA Header Image
e-petitions – Parliament of Australia

I knew I had to act immediately and what started to happen was one of the most amazing things I have ever seem in my life and for the first time I felt an overwelming feeling of belongingness with one huge group of like minded people.

I never considered that I am an "Anti-Vac" person. But to live in a country, planet in fact, where the government is looking at forcing an untested substance into my veins and into the veins of those that I love and care for, just sound like communism to me.

F...k That. No Chance.

Hope you enjoy. This was a lot of fun and I don't think I am going to sleep tonight.

BTW. I was inspired listing to these Aussie Girls and think that it way I pulled in this very positive flow. It was great to be listening to Charlie and then to suddenly hear these two very cool girls with Aussie Accents.

And then the next Aussie Girl:

This one is pretty special.

Chat Later.

Cheers, Mike King.

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