2 years ago

In this exhibition of ideological zeal and commitment to a cause, we see yet another way in which Big Government is benefiting from COVID – a virus that, according to many experts and recently unbanned reports, ***may*** well be a government-made virus produced at a government-run lab in Wuhan.

If true, that would make the government-made vaccines and government-run vaccine-evangelism project a direct result of a government-made virus finding its way out of the government-run lab that created it.

Which, if true, would mean that the door-to-door vaccine cultist visits now getting underway in the land of the free and the home of the NSA are also the result of a government-made virus leaving a government-run lab and inspiring government-made vaccines to be pushed by propaganda through government-managed door-to-door visits.

While there are many losers in this scenario, the clear and obvious Big Winner is Big Government by once again proving that one of the most reliable paths to ever-expanding power and control over the masses is for government to create a problem that government “solves” with brazen grabs for power that would never have been tolerated before the government-made “problem” came along.

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