Little Mountain Horror Project

3 years ago

The Little Mountain Housing Project in Vancouver was transformed into the Little Mountain HORROR Project in 2007 by the BC Liberal Government, who displaced the tenants and almost totally demolished the entire 15 acre site in the heart of the city, known for its progressive approach to urban planning. Far from being progressive, the redevelopment approach pursued at Little Mountain was a throwback to the widely discredited Urban Renewal era of the mid-20th century. As was not uncommon with Urban Renewal, a massive fire broke out at the partially cleared site (which still had people living there at the time, although not in the building that caught fire).

Little Mountain has been widely regarded as one of the most successful and best examples of public housing. It was horrifying to watch what the provincial government did to the place and the community. The redevelopment project truly was a horror project. This was all done under the watch of now-disgraced former BC Minister of Housing Rich Coleman.

More than 10 years later, as I write this, most of the site remains empty and unbuilt to this day, in 2021. Little Mountain is an epic tragedy that is ongoing today.

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