The Inner SHIFT You Must Make To Step Into Your True Power As A Woman

3 years ago

There was a lot of shame in being sensual, individual and spirited for Julie Anne in her life.

We have come to think of the way we get dressed as an insignificant thing. Your style is your personal signature & your individual expression of who you are.

Many of us have deeply-held shame stories around the way we show up. This program is so ingrained in us, it is as if it is on automatic.

These feelings of shame and unworthiness affect
our leadership positions. The minute you become different, you stand out. Therein lies the block.

Owning the room and owning our inner power has nothing to do with beauty, or size, or youth.

Stepping into a feminine leadership requires us to take a long look at the old programs that have kept us stuck as women in a place of shame.

It’s even more important now to clear out the core of the debris and become crystal clear in our identity as a Next Level Leader.

I’m excited to share this illuminating interview with ExtraOrdinary Channeler, Julie Ann Hart, who works with Feminine Power and Leadership.

Connect with Julie Ann Hart here:

Click here to listen to the full interview on Anchor:

It is time to Ascend to Your Next Level Self and Leadership.

This is not just about clothing. It’s about using style to affect a deeply spiritual and MASSIVELY LIFE CHANGING SHIFT.

This is your invitation to ascend into a higher level of consciousness in your business.

A greater awareness of your infinite power and potential and abundance that is stored in your DNA.

It is yours by your birthright.

And the vehicle of this transformation is STYLE.

Find out What Your Style is Speaking here:

Thank you for watching!

Let us know what are your biggest takeaways around how we've been programmed to think of ourselves and our bodies by the fashion industry.

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