Just Say No To The ATFs Gun Control Backdoor Reach Around 07.12.21

3 years ago

Folks I have included some links below to generalized form letters but please try and personalize them so they do not get shit canned as spam. Changing the wording up a bit might seem like a pain in the ass but this is the state of our *fairly elected and representative govt "( honk honk ) these days. It only takes a minute or so more and it is very important we put them back in their place. Also please be polite as they will shit can anything they see as offensive.
Thank you for watching and helping us try and regain the rights we've lost via the wuflu and the Sniff and Blow administration
Skal !
>Comments must be professional and respectful. While it is extremely frustrating, to say the least, that the Biden Administration is attempting to blame law-abiding gun owners for the actions of criminals, making comments that include profanity will make it easy for ATF to summarily reject those comments.
>Comments should focus on the arbitrary nature of the proposed rule. The fact that it is essentially impossible to determine when a piece of metal or plastic becomes a firearm under the proposed rule and leaves such an important determination to administrative fiat makes the proposed rule incompatible with American principles of due process of law.
>Comments should be individualized and focus on how the proposed rule would impact the commenter. ATF will treat all identical comments as a single comment, so it is important to avoid using a form comment.
Submit comments on ATF Frame or receiver rule: https://www.gunowners.org/na05252021/
Submit comment on Brace rule change: http://gunowners.org/SavePistolBraces

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