Dr David Martin – The illusion of knowledge - 🇺🇸 English (1h32m36s)

3 years ago

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🇺🇸 English (Engels) - Dr. David Martin at the “Free & Brave” Conference held at the Church of Glad Tidings in May, 2021.
'The illusion of knowledge' came from the same man who brought us the Fauci Dossier. This is a must see presentation, with need to know info disclosed.


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🇳🇱 Nederlands (Dutch) - Dr. David Martin op de "Free & Brave" conferentie die in mei 2021 in de Church of Glad Tidings werd gehouden.
'De illusie van kennis' kwam van dezelfde man die ons het Fauci Dossier bracht. Dit is een presentatie die u moet zien, met belangrijke onthulde informatie.

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