5 min video- solar flare around earth July 12- is God

2 years ago

Hello and God Bless.
If you needed a huge sign and indication of who is in control and who shall win , this is it.... in one of many upcoming world events GOD shuts down the internet and satellites for approximately 3 hours today for stillness and prayer, this is the big pause and SHIFT, people if you have a suffering loved one July 12 th is the day you drop to your knees and ask Gods forgiveness to save you and he shall reward your prayers with blessings for he is the healer and creator of the earth only he, not an earthly doctor,
Prayers will be answered it is a great shift and time in history where people will choose who’s team they wish to be on, Satan’s or Gods, when the 1% and cabal are shown Gods almighty power and strength and that he sent his only begotten to save the WORLD you will better understand that these are indeed the end times and this is what many generations have been waiting for- blessed are those who follow for heaven will open up and welcome them...
Let’s bring peace back to earth for all Gods creatures big and small,
Enjoy the silence today and reflect and pray!
Rejoice for the war shall be won
It is in Gods hands now, be with him not against ,
Peace and love y’all
For those who see, enjoy the light show document it and share with the world for this IS the creator speaking truth back into this world ...JESUS exists lives and thrives! BELIEVE
Jemma xo

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