How To Go Door-To-Door To Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance

3 years ago

Community Health Ambassador Outreach
Door Knocking Project To Increase COVID Vaccine Acceptance

Helpful Hints

If you're nervous, that's ok! We all still get nervous, even if we've done this before.

You don't need to have all the answers. If you are unsure of an answer, be honest. Tell the person asking that you are a volunteer, and you will take down their question so that a health department staff person can get them the correct answer. Or, if they prefer to call themselves, they can always call 847-377-8130. We have special hours for seniors every week on Tuesdays and Fridays from 12-3pm and Thursdays from 6-8pm.

Inform, don't convince. Your job is to equip the person at the door with the information/resources they need to make an informed decision about their health. You are not trying to convince anyone to do something they don't want to do.

- Review the talking points for FAQs and feel free to bring it with you to help with answering questions. (English / Spanish / Korean)

- Print and share the COVID-19 Vaccine Information Flyer (English / Spanish)

Ignore no soliciting signs. You're not soliciting! You're offering critical information and resources. What you are doing is not illegal.

Knock and then back up. Follow COVID-19 distancing protocols and speak clearly. If someone is uncomfortable with you being there in person, offer to give them more distance or leave them a flyer.

Use your script. This will give you the basics. Once you get comfortable with it, feel free to make it sound more like you as long as all the key information is there. Make clear up front that the building has let you in and you're from the health department.

Leave a flyer even if they're already vaccinated. They may want to share it with a friend or neighbor. Do NOT leave anything in a mailbox, that is illegal if you're not a mail carrier.

Attitude of a golden retriever, memory of a goldfish. If someone says is angry or rude, try to not take it personally. They may just be having a bad day. Brush it off and on to the next door!

Report on your work! Be sure to fill out the Doorknocking Spreadsheet with the counts of who still needs a vaccine, who is already vaccinated, who needs more info, etc. This is important information that the Health Department is relying on!

Have fun! This is an amazing thing you're doing. Regardless of how people respond, have confidence that you are making a difference and helping to save lives.


Lake County, Illinois, Community Health Ambassadors Resource Page:


Uncensored News - COVID-19 Vaccinations

Uncensored News - COVID-19 Resource Page

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