Episode 23: Connecting the Dots

3 years ago

On this episode of Pilsners & Politics, Benjamin and Vinny open the show by thanking their listeners for helping them achieve a very special milestone! They go on to discuss several issues that Americans are currently facing and explain what it might mean for the left's future goals.

Whether it's the border crisis, defund the police, or intersectionality, one thing is for certain; they are all connected. Benjamin and Vinny take to the mic to connect the dots for the listeners and give their opinion on what the bigger picture really looks like. Benjamin predicted that once the Biden Administration was inaugurated on January 20th, Americans would be inundated with far-left ideology. And that is exactly what we've seen, even if it's dressed up or repackaged as something else. The far-left is in control of the White House and they are unilaterally crafting American policy.

While things seem out of our control, rest assured the pendulum always swings back in the opposite direction. Benjamin and Vinny will continue to speak their truth and inspire freedom loving Americans. They ask you to dig deep, find your truth, find your courage and help take back the America we love.

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