Episode 22: A Police Wife's Perspective

3 years ago

On this episode of Pilsners & Politics, Benji and Vinny sit down with Kristen, the owner of the "heelsandholsters" Instagram page, who is a police wife that proudly and openly voices her support for law enforcement. Being a police officer these days is extremely difficult, but it's arguably more difficult for the officer's family and loved ones who didn't sign up to be mischaracterized, judged or publicly humiliated. These family members or loved ones also never envisioned their hero as being someone who would be viewed as the root of all evil within society at large. This is what motivated Kristen to take action. Kristen started her Instagram account to post funny, relatable content for fellow police wives just like her. Since the inception of her page, Kristen was astonished to see how many people began following her and was also flattered to see how well her content was being received.

Kristen is an example of someone who dug deep and found her courage, a word that Benji and Vinny talk about extensively here on Pilsners & Politics. Kristen's love and admiration for her husband and law enforcement officers abroad isn't far off from the status quo, despite the media's "fake news" narrative that gets perpetuated daily. Kristen's empowering words and anecdotal stories should give everyone pause and make them reevaluate their position on staying silent. Where is your courage? Who do you call when you have an emergency? Who stands between good and evil when you defund the police?

Kristen's message to our listeners was simple; normalize supporting the police. Benji and Vinny couldn't agree more and know that the vast majority of you feel the same way. Let's follow Kristen's lead and refuse to be silent for those that will never refuse to keep us safe! Tune in to hear more about Kristen's unique perspective and experience as a police wife.

Follow Kristen on Instagram: @heelsandholsters

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