Why There Is So Much Distrust of US Media by Conservatives

2 years ago

There is an exceptional amount of distrust of US media by conservatives. This is directly traced to the events and lived experience in 2020. This exceptional writer Darryl Cooper wrote under the handle @MarytrMade on Twitter this exceptional multi-part (36 tweets) narrative on Thursday July 8, 2021 to explain that conservative perspective is forever changed by the events of 2020. It's a well done composition and is worthy of greater review and attention. For that reason, Tucker Carlson chose to read nearly the entire 36-panel narrative on air during his following evenings show. It is a narrative that is worth review and conversation. How, when and where that conversation takes place will vary greatly across the nation. Let's all pray that the truth of what this confronts can be addressed with civility and justice in a timely manner.

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