Indigenous and Christianity UNITE to fight against SATAN!

3 years ago

Hello and God bless. In this video ( perhaps my best yet as I keep getting healthier to spread God’s word) I give a Shout out and apologize to indigenous on behalf of the Christian church.... it is time to forgive and not fall into Satan’s way of burning churches etc and eye for eye... time to unite against all other religions who wish to take over and destroy in the name of Satan.... please stop burning churches that is GOD and GOD created earth and you and I.... I give shout out to Jody Wilson Raybould whom I wish to unite with and respect we have to come together now and love and peace and fight corruption and lies and bullying ( strength in numbers she is tired fighting alone I don’t blame her as I grow weary too).. big shout out to whom all should watch about Jesus and how he lived and who he touched.... don’t watch mainstream media or Hollywood or mainstream radio stations who all uphold Satan! ..... especially local Vancouver radio stations.... let’s find peace and love and live in GODS LIGHT not Satan’s darkness and his manipulative fear driven controlling ways... break free and parents stop using your children to practice Satan work in entrapping and framing... they are innocent and OF God , try to live by their example don’t feed them your corrupted ways... my next video.... let’s help one another and spread love as Satan loves wars , to divide and conquer, pick on the weak, let’s help the weak vulnerable and picked on and especially the addicted as addictions including alcoholism are Satan’s methods to weaken your mind and “ get in”

Peace and love today and always
GOD BLESS and GOD wins !!! TRUTH
Money doesn’t, you can live without a lot,
Trust me
Pray for rain for God is in the clouds he must come and stop fires and it’s destruction of people land and homes, let’s pray for health and for those who try their BEST,

It will be a fantastic day as GOD healed me overnight, again!
Let’s fight for truth and GOODNESS

Vengeance and bullying is Satans divide and conquer method... don’t buy it!!
Just an example of Satan is my internet and phones are so controlled I cannot upload this video and have tried twice, this ends TODAY!... I am FREE and not controlled
Satan does not pay my bills GOD DOES!
HE provides
Watch donate

All my friends and supporters and family see heaven and YES ONE person can change the world his name is JESUS just follow,

“ don’t let the world change your confidence and potential but let your confidence and potential change the world!”- jemma

Peace love Jemma xoxo

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