3 years ago

It's in a dog's nature to seek out the most comfortable spot to go to sleep. They're intelligent creatures. They know what's good and what's not. In fact, a lot of dogs have very discerning tastes so why, when there's a nice soft option right under his nose, would he choose to sleep on a hard floor? Creeping up on to the chair or sofa for a good snuggle while you're not looking just goes to show how clever he is. Have you ever come home from work and been unable to find your dog anywhere? You know the moment when you're just about to go into a state of panic because you imagine he's somehow escaped through locked doors and windows and disappeared, then you open the bedroom door and up pops his head from under the covers? If you're not home, your dog will search for the next best thing. To him, being where your scent is can be almost as satisfying as having you next to him. He misses you when you're gone and laying in your bed, even if he's going to get in trouble for it, is where he feels the closest to his absent owner. Back when they were still running wild, dogs would find a sheltered spot to sleep and rest from the perils of everyday life. They needed to be as safe and secure as possible so they could rest peacefully knowing there was no imminent danger from other animals attacking them. They might have chosen a cave or a sheltered spot under an outcrop of rock. Sometimes a place well covered with shrub where they could crawl underneath and be hidden away would suffice. In that safe spot, they'd rummage around, making it as comfortable as possible until it resembled a nest and was as cozy as they could get it. When your dog sneaks up onto the furniture, he's just doing what comes naturally and fulfilling his need to be safe and comfortable.


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