1961 Kuhns Family 8mm Film Preservation - PA and Tractor

2 years ago

Footage from 1961 8mm reel filmed by Dad. Most footage is a trip to the Grand Canyon of PA and the Drake Well Memorial Park in Titusville, PA. Drake Well is commonly referred to as the birthplace of the world's modern petroleum industry. It was drilled by Edwin Drake in 1859, along the banks of Oil Creek in Titusville Pa.

The final footage is Eugene, Joyce and I driving dad's homebuilt PowerPup tractor. Dad saw the plans in an issue of Science and Mechanics magazine. With his access to many of the parts and material from the Warren Scrap Iron & Metal where he worked, he completed the build in our garage. I remember helping squaring the frame and watching him battle the inexpensive 29$ welder he purchased from the back of one of those magazines. I never could start a bead with that underpowered welder, but he succeeded in creating the masterpiece shown in the video.

We took turns riding it around the yard, and finally "CRASH Joyce Kuhns" got the opportunity to show off her masterful driving skills. She got the name "Crash Kuhns" after she wrecked Donnie's 59 Chevy when some birds flew out of a corn field on rt 90 (now Rt 193), north of Fowler, Ohio.

At the end I'm giving Kevin Fisher a ride.

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