Gilly Davis, author of Wexit: The Reluctant Rebellion, July 9, 2021

3 years ago

With a federal election looming, with Alberta provincial parties re-assessing leadership positions & responsibilities and with the West's self-proclaimed Maverick Party about to have its founding convention in August, 2021, is there a better time to re-evaluate what is really at stake?

Gilly Davis, author of Wexit: The Reluctant Rebellion, does an excellent job encapsulating the past, present & preferred future for the West.

The actual process by which Alberta, Saskatchewan, BC, Manitoba & perhaps the North is able to achieve a different form of sovereign association with Canada is explored in great depth.

This is a discussion that needed to have been aired yesterday, last year, the last decade - even going back to the founding of the provinces of Alberta & Saskatchewan.

Please, do yourself a favour and purchase this book on Amazon. It is worth every penny you spend & it won't cost you much. In fact, if you perform a cost-benefit analysis, this is probably a book you cannot afford to NOT have in your library, digital or in paperback form.

We need to envision a bold, bright future for the West and Gilly Davis helps show us the way.

Highly recommended - as is this insightful interview. Long but worth it.

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