Fighting For Freedom - New Governor General

3 years ago

There is a socialist coup unfolding in Canada, and we taxpayers are funding it

If I had written these words just one year ago, it would have been deemed conspiratorial. But I have heard from too many Canadians over the past six months about what they have seen taking place. Ever since Justin Trudeau tried to grant himself king-like powers at the beginning of the COVID crisis, what we have been witnessing in Canada is a socialist coup that we, the taxpayers, are funding.

Trudeau's shameful support of the Chinese regime threatens Canada

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s inability to see the malevolence of China’s Communist regime appears to be as strong as ever and his response to questions about that threat are as shameful and troubling as ever.

Recently, Alberta’s advanced education minister, Demetrios Nicolaides, sent a letter to four of the province’s universities asking them to suspend new or renewed partnerships with organizations linked with China or the Chinese Communist Party.

Trudeau skirts language symbols to appoint a new Governor-General who expresses hope for Indigenous reconciliation

The Governor-General is a mostly symbolic position, and this time, Justin Trudeau chose to skirt existing symbols in favour of new ones.

Mary Simon was passed over for the post in the past, her name mooted but ultimately rejected because she didn’t speak French.

Inuk leader Mary Simon named Canada’s Governor-General, first Indigenous person to hold role

English and French-speaking governors-general had alternated since Canadian-born dignitaries, rather than British aristocrats, started being appointed in the 1950s. Since the 1990s, no prime minister has named someone who wasn’t bilingual. Linguistic duality is part of the symbolism.

Mr. Trudeau knew that. And he decided there was a greater imperative in a different set of symbols.

Globalist Agenda, Phase 2: Trudeau Creates SOCIAL CHAOS In Canada

What was it that Cultural Action Party of Canada predicted when Justin Trudeau was first elected prime minister in 2015?

Outcome: domestic social chaos. Now, this phase of PM Trudeau’s assault upon Canadian society has arrived. As we previously posited, our current PM’s degree of culpability in this development is open to some debate.

Was Trudeau actually “seduced” by external forces into bringing social chaos to Canada? Is this Trudeau character merely a puppet in a game of globalist takeover of the dying Great White North?

Judging by his facial expressions of late, it may well be true that Mr. Trudeau is now “in shock” over the damage to society which has occurred under his pseudo-communist style of governance.

Still, the fact is whether or not Trudeau understands how he is ruining all that was good about Canada until he came along, our country has plunged into civil conflict by way of Justin’s toying with energy pipelines.

27 Bizarre Facts About The Georgia Guidestones

Here are some of the most bizarre and interesting facts about the Georgia Guidestones.

1. The Georgia Guidestones are almost twice as tall as Stonehenge.

2. Nearly a quarter-million pounds of granite was used to make them.

3. The stones have 10 messages inscribed on them. They read:


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