Fast-tracked Covid-19 Injections for World Against a Virus which isn’t a Threat to Most People.

3 years ago

Elizabeth Hart is an independent citizen investigating the over-use of products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy. The ethical aspects of over-vaccination, especially mandated vaccination, has been of particular interest to Elizabeth and the potential conflicts of interest of academics in vaccine development and promotion, and the influence of these academics on government policy.

The ‘big picture’ of over-vaccination in a multi billion dollar industry, the influence of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organisation, the influence of mainstream media players like Murdoch media (via News Corp Australia and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute) and now Big Tech has come to a head during the pandemic with fast-tracked experimental covid-19 injections being pressed upon the entire global population, against a virus which isn’t a threat to most people.

Elizabeth has a background in scientific literature research which has assisted her in researching and lobbying on over-vaccination. Her interest in vaccination was initiated many years ago after she discovered companion animals were being over-vaccinated and needlessly subjected to the risk of adverse reactions.

Asia Pacific Today. 9 July, 2021

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