Locations Unknown - EP. #15: The Arvin Nelson Interview

3 years ago

Episode 15 - our interview with two of Arvin Nelson's close friends is live!

Listen directly at: https://locationsunknown.podbean.com/e/ep-15-the-arvin-nelson-interview/

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On August 6th 2014, Arvin Nelson hiked into Big Sur State Park, along California's coast, never to be heard from again. In episode 5, we discussed the location and his disappearance in detail. We recommend listening to episode 5 before this interview so you have a better understanding of the case.

Episode 5 can be found here (https://locationsunknown.podbean.com/e/ep-5-arvin-nelson-big-sur-state-park/) or wherever you listen to podcasts.

In this interview, Mike discusses the case with two close friends of Arvin, Jay O'Rear & Jason Challas, both of whom have spent many years hiking with Arvin. Topics ranged from new details about the location where Arvin went missing to a more in depth look at Arvin the person. Much of what was discussed in this interview hasn't been discussed publicly before and really helps paint a better picture of what happened to Arvin. While the case remains a mystery to this day, this interview has helped us narrow down possible theories on his disappearance.

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Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/locations-unknown
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2xiTFKN2wIklgX68EqkHc2
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/locations-unknown/id1445322806

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