SN1122: Deprogramming Opposition, Healthy Obedience & Woke Warfare | Factions Of Freedom

3 years ago

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[Episode Article:]

This lengthy transmission was brought to you by the missing minicast from earlier this week. During one of my non-news related rabbit hole trips, I stumbled upon a compilation video which featured material from The Emerald Tablets. You know, The Emerald Tablets Billy Carson of 4BiddenKnowledge talks about? That one. Well, one of the tablets features a segment which mentions “beings from the great deep below us.” And how, “Forth came they into this cycle. Formless were they of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of earth-men.”

The Emerald Tablets are so old though, that we’re still unsure as to who the original “author” is. Some people theorize that it could be the Egyptian God Thoth, or a wiseman known as Hermes Trismegistus. Either way, the wisdom etched in emerald spans lifetimes, and the time we spent at the start of the show illustrates the inability to properly quantify in today’s terms.

After deviating into esoteric timeless territory, we jump back into our own timeframe covering the waterfront of chaos, with a couple of our Exclusive Members having a few tales of strangeness of their own. It’s almost mind numbing to think of the wisdom of the ancients, and how much knowledge and wisdom we’re trading as we become addicted to outrage and incapable of higher ideals. One has to wonder, outside of prophecy, if anyone in our history could’ve foreseen our instincts being weaponized against us.

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