Breaking News! Jovenel Mose, the President of Haiti, was assassinated.

3 years ago

Jovenel Mose, the president of Haiti, was assassinated.
A group of unidentified assailants stormed Haitian President Jovenel Mose's private residence and murdered him.

The news was delivered in a statement by the country's Interim Prime Minister on Wednesday.
Interim Premier Claude Joseph revealed that Mr Mose's wife, first lady Martine Mose, had been hospitalized.

Mr Joseph condemned the "hateful, brutal, and disgusting conduct," adding that the situation in Haiti was under control thanks to the National Police and other authorities.

Under Mr Mose's control, the country of more than 11 million people has become increasingly insecure and dissatisfied.

Its economic, political, and social problems have worsened, with gang violence escalating in the capital, Port-au-Prince, inflation skyrocketing, and food and fuel becoming scarce at times in a country where 60% of the population lives on less than $3 per day.
These difficulties arise as Haiti continues to recover from the terrible 2010 earthquake and Hurricane Matthew in 2016.

Mr Mose, 53, has been reigning by decree for more than two years after the country's Parliament was dissolved due to a lack of elections.

Opposition leaders accuse him of attempting to expand his power by signing decrees that limit the powers of a court that audits government contracts and another that establishes an intelligence agency that reports only to the president.

Opposition leaders have requested that he resign in recent months, claiming that his mandate constitutionally expired in February 2021.

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