Jealousy & Fear in The Body of Christ 1 of 9 by Clare Dubois

3 years ago

Jealousy & Fear in The Body of Christ 1 of 9

This message is entitled, "Starving Body of Christ," and tonight I want to share with you some readings from Rick Joyner's book, Visions of the Harvest. He's a wonderful prophet of God, has a complete and total heart for the body of Christ, has his fingers on the pulse of the Lord, and is acutely aware of the things that hinder us in the body; the dynamics that go back and forth.

So, I'd like to read this selection; and it's from the chapter called "War and Glory." In this particular chapter, he portrays the church as an island and all the different denominations as different buildings on the island, and around it, of course, is the sea and the ocean. And later in the chapter, you will see they both will start to arrive and they want to get into the island, but there is fighting going on so...

Let me go on with this story and explain to, or just read, to you exactly what he has to say:

"I was in a vision standing on an island in the middle of the sea. There were many types of buildings spread about in groups all around the island that seemed to make up several little cities. Even within each of these little cities, the buildings seemed to clash with each other in color and architecture. There were very old ones next to very modern ones. This made them all seem unattractive and confused.

"There was a war going on between the occupants of many of the buildings and many were already bombed out shells. The people who were still living in the buildings were starving and wounded. At first I thought that I had been caught in the middle of a terrible civil war. Then I realized I was looking at the church.

"As I continued looking, I saw two dark spirits over the island. Together they were directing the battles and the clashes between the buildings. One was named Jealousy and the other one was named Fear."

And that's what we're going to talk about tonight.

"They congratulated each other every time one of the buildings suffered damage or people were killed or wounded. It seemed that no one who was involved in the fighting could see these spirits, though they dominated the island.

"As I was kept looking, two more even powerful and frightening spirits were rising up over the sea. These became great storms. One was named Rage and the other Lawlessness.

"They quickly started causing a stirring up of the seas and causing great waves to crash into the island. Soon these storms became so large that I felt they were going to do even more damage to the island than the war, and maybe even destroy the whole island. Even so, the war had the people in the building so occupied that it did not seem anyone was aware of these growing storms.

"I knew these people in the city had to be warned about these storms. Then I saw some apparent watchmen trying to do this, but no one would listen to them. Those that could hear the watchmen could only debate about whether the watchmen could be trusted. This was remarkable, because if anyone could look up, they could see the storms themselves. But no one would look up."

My words...they were so embroiled in the battles that they weren't looking up.

"These wars had left so many people wounded that the hospitals were quickly becoming the largest buildings on the island. Hospitals were movements or denominations that had given of themselves to healing of the wounded.

Don't you just love that bumper sticker that says, "Christians kill their wounded." Boy, I tell you...

"The very small hospitals seemed to be respected and the warring factions would not attack them. The ones that had grown larger were being attacked as the jealousy of the warring factions would not allow them to have respect. Even in a place where their own wounded were being cared for. Soon the attacks on these hospitals from the other buildings became some of the biggest battles.

"As I watched time pass swiftly before me like pages being turned in a book, the conflict just went on and on and soon everyone was wounded somewhere. But even those who were not badly wounded had the appearance of being either phantoms or grotesquely deformed from starvation and disease.

"Anytime a building received a supply of food which would attract people, it would become a target. I could not comprehend how a war could be so cruel and yet this was the church.

"In the midst of the battle, men were still trying to add to their buildings or start new ones. New ones-- but it was futile. Anytime one building would start to rise a little higher than the others, it would become the main target of all the other buildings close to it. When a new building would be started, it would become the focus of unrelenting attacks by all the others around it.

"My thought was that this entire island would soon be like the temple in Jerusalem after it was conquered by the Romans. Ultimately there would be not one stone left upon another."

And I don't think I will go on too much more with this but, he was then carried to a place where the leaders were planning different things and they all had the word "Treasury" written on their foreheads. Treasury.

So he goes on a little bit and says:

"The grief of listening was too much to bear. It was so obvious that if the effort and resources were put into building rather than in what was going into fighting, there could a city build that would be no equal. Yet, they had chosen the way of destruction instead of life."

And here he goes on and speaks about the lights--those who refused to get involved with the conflicts, arguing over doctrine. These are my words now...Arguing over doctrine, wanting to be first, wanting to protect their territory, feeling threatened. Jealousy and Fear are the two spirits over this island that is depicted as the church with all the different people in it.

We go now to 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 and I will read from the NIV.


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