Stop Abortion NI

2 years ago

Westminster in 2019 involved itself in legislating in devolved matters in Northern Ireland. The NI Assembly had been brought down three years previously over the RHI scandal.

Despite a waiting list crisis, chaos in the department of education and infrastructure Westminster did not intervene to assist Northern Irish people. Instead the priority was to legislate for abortion in NI without any protections for the unborn. This law was brought in through a highly irregular process attaching this to the end of a government bill.

Since then abortions have been carried out on a shoestring budget by the Department of Health even then, and despite a pandemic in the first 11 months 1091 children had been aborted.

There is now a push for the NI Secretary of State to act over the head of the sitting NI Executive and Assembly to fully commission services to NI, allocating large amounts of taxpayer funding to fully fund services and promote abortion in education and in the wider society. The plan is to increase abortion rates to a level equivalent to England and Wales this would be around 6000 a year or one in every three pregnancies.

As well as a highly controversial the imposition of this unjust system it would also would be a major breach of the devolution settlement. Westminster would not just be interfering with a non-sitting Assembly but overriding the sitting Executive and Assembly. This undermines the legal processes set down in the Good Friday Agreement and the very constitutional position of devolution itself.

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