The David Knight Show Radio Broadcast 8July2021

3 years ago

3:44 Trump lawsuit over social media censorship. He’s saying all the right things — but why didn’t he DO ANYTHING as President? Why wait until 6 months after he leaves office? Will he finally win something from the courts?

17:50 Cuomo comes after 2nd Amendment by following PRECEDENT Trump — Cuomo declares “Executive Order EMERGENCY” about gun violence

23:30 Washington Post attacks Christians but inadvertently hits on truth about Americans’ attitudes toward God. We’re in the midst of re-forming all institutions — political and religious. Just as politics has been severed from the Constitution, Christian institutions have largely severed themselves from the Bible. We have severed our ties to the Founding Fathers and the founding principles and are a nation adrift.

40:00 It’s clear to scientists like Crick & Watson who discovered DNA that there is an intelligent creator. Michio Kaku, co-founder of String theory believes we live in a simulation, in “a Matrix”. Many professing Christians have embraced MTD (Moralistic Therapeutic Deism)

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