July 8th, 2021 | The Bulldog Show

2 years ago

Eric Deters the Bulldog reports on the Trump Lawsuit, Florida Condo Collapse, BLM Chapter: U.S. Flag Hate Symbol- Unsafe, Racist, Stupid, Elsa, Gas Prices Up 40%, Tax Breaks Fossil Fuels, Rashida Tlaib- Defund ICE, Tucker Carlson Emails, Japan- Olympics, CA Homicide Rate Up 31% 2020, Cuomo- Gun Emergency, Bezos- 211B, Afghanistan, Whitlock- Crips or Klan?, Boris Becker, Ashli Babbitt Shooter, Pope Francis, China Gene Harvest, Sean Penn- Cancel Culture Soviet, Football Star- 50 Bullets, Haiti Assassination, China Brit Microchip Factory, Men Friendship Recession/15% No Close Friend, $1 Billion Pot, & Al Sharpton

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