Chamaeleons or chameleon Video

2 years ago

Chameleon or Chamaeleons is probably best known for the ability to change colors but when the ancients named thus lizard they apparently had other qualities in mind. Chameleon comes to us via latin from Greek chamaileon a combination of chamai (on the ground) and leon ( lion ) a tribute perhaps to the lizard's fearsome aspect. It is the ability to the chameleon to change colors however that has led to the figurative use of chameleon for someone or something that is quick to change. Such figurative use dates back to at least the 16th century as demonstrated by King James VI who, writing in 1586 or 1587, requested I praye you not to tokk me to be a Camelion.

Scientific name: Chamaeleonidae
Higher classification: Acrodonta
Rank: Family
Lifespan: 6 - 8 years
Length: 35 - 45
Clutch size: 30 - 85
Kingdom: Animalia

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