Motivation Message to All the True Red,White,and Blue 🇺🇸Americanss

3 years ago

Calling all True American Patriots. I started this channel just to get out as much content I could while we have the chance. Everyday we are being more and more muzzled by the Evil Corrupt Democrats. Call your state senators and tell them Hell no you will not stand for anybody much less a organized corrupt federal agency knocking on your door for anything period. Much less your health and medical info. It's Tyranny in it's fullest form. I've had a damn nuff.😡🤬take your time and write it down if tou have to. But be prepared and to the point. Be polite but stand your ground. Just read some of these Executive Orders the Biden/Pelosi regime is rushing through. You will realize as I have. Even if this reaches 1 person. You tried to do your part. If everyone tried in some way. We would turn this tyrannical corrupt goverment back over to the people. We should protest to stop paying taxes til its being used to benefit the people of America. Thanks everybody. Id appreciate a fallow for support. God Bless

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