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Editorial Energy Provision in Victoria

3 years ago

AGW hysteria is not a good guide for government. Victoria is currently paying a very high price for electricity, and current plans for increased renewables threaten to make it worse, more expensive and less reliable. Renewables are bad for the environment, killing wildlife and some of the poorest workers in the world. Battery back up is an expensive solution.

According to the IPA in 2019, 20 years of AGW inspired 'clean energy' policy has shown an increase of price of 220% over 20 years. Inflation Australia wide over that period was 58%. During that time, cheap coal production was replaced with expensive wind farms. Those wind farms have costs of production which exceed power supply over their lifetime, so that there never will be efficiency value until the production type changes. Further, the wind mill blades are bad for the environment, killing wildlife in numbers that would cost an oil company $billions in fines were they to do it. Brown coal is bad for the environment. So are windmills. Solar panels cost the environment too, with miners dying as a result of the methods of extraction of raw materials. Further, recycling of used solar panels and windmills is not yet feasible. With a 20 year lifespan of a windmill, Victoria's modest production rate of 25% renewable in 2020 will largely have to be replaced before more can be installed to meet more ambitious future targets. But that means further brown outs off the type experienced in South Australia in 2016.

Batteries are ineffective, and big batteries are also expensive. Elon Musk's SA battery put in place following the 2016 disaster would not prevent a similar disaster if it gets too warm, or too cold again. At an estimated cost off $50 million, the battery is more costly than diesel fuel generators used by farmers as back up. Further, batteries will only add to the cost of electricity production. The AGW hysteric promises cheap, reliable alternative energy. That does not yet exist. However, the cost of higher electricity has meant industry has had to move from Victoria to places where it can be more cheaply sourced, probably by coal powered power stations. If a child was to list these arguments in an assignment for school in Victoria, they would be marked down faster than FB fact checking an ANTIFA riot report.