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3 years ago

這本書中的小女孩-愛麗絲, 有著一雙大眼睛,和豐富的想像力.
她用她的魔法棒、仙女翅膀和毯子,來使自己消失、飛翔、把她爸爸變成一匹馬、把他的餅乾變成她自己的! 愛麗絲要想成為永久仙女,她還需要學習如何用她的魔法棒,來施展她的魔咒,讓她的狗漂浮在天花板上,讓她的衣服自己收起來,但這她還在學習中.

David Shannon運用他搞笑的插畫和過人的幽默感,在成功地塑造了David這個調皮可愛的孩子這個角色後,又設計了Alice這個有趣的女主角。喜歡David的大朋友和小朋友們,請一起來分享這個這個頑皮愛搞怪的小女孩幻想成為仙女的故事
In the book Alice needs to learn how to cast spells. With her wand in hand Alice tries to make her dog float on the ceiling.

Alice has a nose for trouble, but luckily she's a fairy--a Temporary Fairy. She has a magic wand, fairy wings, and a blanket, all of which she uses to disappear, to fly, to transform her dad into a horse, and to turn his cookies into her own! There are still a few things Alice needs to learn to become a Permanent Fairy, like how to float her dog on the ceiling and make her clothes put themselves away, but she's working on it--sort of. Here's an endearing, funny story about a girl and her magical imagination, sure to delight every fairy in training!

繪本故事 Story Book : 小仙女愛麗絲 ALICE THE FAIRY

簡單英文句子和單字 Sentences and words.
1. My name is Alice, I am a fairy.

2. I have wings so I can fly.

3. My mom made cookies for my dad.

4. I turned them into mine.

5. I can make leaves fall from trees.

6. I use my wand to disappear.

7. But that's kind of scary.

8. I would rather use my blanket.
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麥克兒童外文書店: https://www.mackids.com.tw/index.php?action=product_detail&G0=36&cid1=251&Sn=17681

• 書號:AFSC2777
• Lexile:
• 作者: David Shannon
• 繪者: David Shannon
• 適合年齡:3~6歲
• 規格:平裝圖畫書/ 27.5×20cm/彩色/32頁
• 出版日期: 2004年
• ISBN:9780439791656

作者的網頁: http://nodavidshannon.com/
作者的維基百科: hhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Shannon

教案: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/articles/teaching-content/teaching-trait-voice-using-alice-fairy/

韻文活動: https://www.fantasticfunandlearning.com/rhyming-with-alice-the-fairy.html

片頭和片尾音樂 Beginning and ending music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwPhqU29rWQ


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