My Mum Kicked Me Out For Getting Pregnant At 16 | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

3 years ago

A YOUNG TEEN couple have had a baby - causing them to lose friends and family. Cheyenne first met Donye online, when they were both in middle school. The couple talked for a long time to begin with, exchanging messages on Snapchat and liking each other's photos, before they finally met up in person. The teens then dated for a little while, but not long after dating Cheyenne realised she had fallen pregnant with Avielle. Cheyenne, who was only 16 at the time, texted Donye to tell him the news. Donye, who was only 15 years old, was shocked by the revelation: “I got the picture of the pregnancy test in a text... I was more scared than anything." The couple had suspected that a pregnancy was possible, due to a mishap in the bedroom, but Cheyenne brushed it off. She said: “Teen pregnancy. That's just something you see on TV or in the movies. It's not going to happen to me.” On breaking the news to her mum that she was pregnant and going to keep the child, Cheyenne was told to leave the family home. “My mum told me to get an abortion. And then kicked me out." Her mum claimed she had ruined her life and the family’s life. Fortunately, after a couple of weeks of living with her grandparents, Cheyenne’s mum welcomed her back home and then became her trusted support system throughout the pregnancy and still is to this day. Donye has had his difficulties with his family too, but is grateful for the love and support of his grandparents. Unfortunately, Cheyenne and Donye also lost friends during the pregnancy. For Donye, he could no longer be around what he describes as ‘bad influences’ and Cheyenne lost friends because she no longer had the time to be hanging out with her friends.

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