Happy Birthday America. We have to save you. July 5, 2021

3 years ago

Happy Birthday America. We have to save you. July 5, 2021

Telegram Chat Channel: https://t.me/joinchat/HStDF-QWzi1kZWY5 Fasten your seatbelts! Am reviewing election updates, law and disorderly, breaking stories around the world and at home, while focusing on our children.
Scary Thought: America The Beautiful Gone and Generations Later Ask, I Wonder What Was It Like To Live In The Failed Empire America? Empires Come and Go...

The people involved in Child Sex Trafficking just happen to be the same people trying to take your rights away. The gun grabber's and the speech police and the lying medical "leaders" and the washed out politicians, they are the puppets for the true monster's behind the curtain. Follow the money...    

What I do: I bring to light those who are responsible for children's nightmares and I make them accountable. Folks, monsters are real.
I focus on: Government, Murderous Elites, The Illuminati and their connections to Child Sex Trafficking, Satan Worship and Child Sacrifice.  

I am and will continue to beat the drum that Fauci Lied and millions died. He is a mass murderer.
Freedom Fest at Global Vision Bible Church with Pastor Greg Locke. Guest Speakers: Danny Gokey, Alan Keyes, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, Pastor Ken Peters, Brad Barton and The Star of The Show, Jesus Chris.

Toby Keith debuts "Happy Birthday America : in time for July 4.https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/561384-toby-keith-debuts-happy-birthday-america-in-time-for-july-4?rl=1

The War Room: Matt Deperno discusses cheating in elections in 4 states. There was a breach in AZ election machines: Katie Hobbs and Maricopa County knew of breech in election machines. start at 4:09, (4 minutes 9 seconds).https://americasvoice.news/playlists/the-war-room/

60 Minutes Australia - Playing God: the faces behind controversial baby cloning.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkYpmoQdsV0

Cited Works: https://human.globalincidentmap.com, theblaze.com, news.sky.com, newsmax.com, foxnews.com,  breaking911.com, nypost.com, patriotpulse.com, conservativefreedomnetwork.com, creativedestructionmedia.com, thegatewaypundit.com, preparedgunowners.com, epochtimes.com, dailycaller.com, justthenews.com, news@populistpress.com, thehill.com, rallyingpatriots.com, bbc.com, scmp.com, www1.cbn.com, hannity.com, breitbart.com, newsmax.com, oneamericavoice.com, algemeiner.com, theguardian.com, centipedenation.com, vanityfair.com, dailymail.co.uk, thesun.co.uk, washingtonpulse.com, hannity.com, theglobeandmail.com, thoughtnova.com, steeltruth.com, klfy.com, wafb.com, truepundit.com, tsarizm.com, reuters.com, georgiastatenews.com, reddit.com, dailywire.com, indystar.com, azleg.gov, apnews.com, axios.com, patrickbyrne.locals.com, charliekirk.com, humanevents.com, theubernews.com, georgiarecord.com, justthenews.com, nrawomen.com, voanews.com, thepostmillenial.com, americanmilitarynews.com, businessinsider.com, americasvoicenews.com, renewedright.com, theleoterrell.com, justice.gov.

130 Nations signed the statement "two-pillar solution" aka "The Great New Reset."https://www.oecd.org/tax/beps/statement-on-a-two-pillar-solution-to-address-the-tax-challenges-arising-from-the-digitalisation-of-the-economy-july-2021.pdf
It Has To Stop: Stop Child Sex Traffickinghttps://ithastostop.com/the-problem/about/

Hollywood Industry Satanism: thestrangerfiction.comhttps://thestrangerfiction.com/hollywood-industry-satanism-the-sacrifice/

Fox News: Trump Borderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2KUj0ViuN8

WInchester 9MM 115 grain FMJ/JHP Recall: https://winchester.com/Support/Customers/Winchester-9mm-Luger-115-gr-Recall

If you have any questions concerning this 9mm Luger 115 FMJ / JHP pistol ammunition recall please call toll-free 844-653-8358, write to Winchester (600 Powder Mill Road, East Alton, IL 62024 Attn: 9mm Luger Recall), or visit our website at www.winchester.com.

*Tonight's Additional Cited works are verbally announced. Too many breaking news stories happened just before I live-streamed.

Previous Episodes:

Parts I-4 (Follow The Thread)

CBS 62 Insider GOES PUBLIC Exposing Network's Forced Vaccination Rhetoric and Bias

Sidney Powell

State Election Board Report November 13, 2020 Witnessed Nov 2-Nov 7 2020

See Deadly Deception: https://archive.org/details/deadly-deception-robert-willner_202010

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: https://prepareforchange.net/2021/04/17/reiner-fuellmich-we-have-the-evidence

Lindell v Dominion
Overview: https://uncoverdc.com/2021/06/18/lindell-v-dominion-smartmatic-initiating-complaint-summaryuncoverdc.com Lindell v. Dominion/Smartmatic:
Exhibits Breakdown Part 3 & 4

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