2021 JUN 22 CoV19 Biggest Mass deception perpetrated on mankind here is real FACTS by Jim Corr

3 years ago

The Corrs, Jim Corr

Looking Back now Looking forward COVID-19 what is really happening.

PCR Testing and False Positives

Media Generated Fear propaganda to by a Catalyst of Draconian Government Controls and Abuse of Powers.

Politicians and Bureaucrats have rapidly seized the opportunity to rollout The Great Reset.

The Social Media Fact Checkers are in fact ILLEGAL CENSORSHIP and narrative controls for social engineering. Beware of “Build back Better”.

Event 201 Mock pandemic exercise how convenient

Follow Jim on Telegram he will be making more clips: www.t.me./jimcorr

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ORIGINAL SOURCE: www.t.me./jimcorr

CLIP ORIGINAL SOURCE: https://t.me/jimcorr/1690

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