Freedom - Independence Day

3 years ago


By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Galatians 5:1

NIV – “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

The topic of freedom is huge, but I want to look at just a couple points.
When slavery was abolished in this country, the slaves were legally set free, yet many stayed under the control of their previous owners.

Sometimes people come to Jesus are saved and delivered, but because their thinking hasn’t changed, they return to living the way that seems normal.

According to our text, it is possible to be set free and return to slavery.
You are a Christian, yet living with a lack of freedom that we know is ours.

Years ago, Heatherann and I went to counseling for our marriage, for our personal lives, and for our spiritual freedom.

We picked up some major tools that have helped us again and again in our lives, and working with many people towards freedom.

One principal is called “Fruit to Root.” If there is fruit being produced in my life, it comes from roots – good or bad.

So when I encounter any fruit in my life that is not produced by God’s presences the question I ask is: “Where is this coming from?”

Everyone gets hit with thoughts that are not our own.
The enemy can place thoughts, but he can’t read your thoughts – only God can.

Often the enemy will plant thoughts of: loneliness, nobody cares, I’m miserable, why did God make me this way?

Despair – “why is this happening?” “I will live this way the rest of my life.”
Depression – “nothing will ever change, hopelessness, I wish I were dead.”

Defensive indifference - “so what, who needs them any way.” “I don’t care.”

Self-protection – “Nobody will hurt me again,” “I won’t feel.” “I will never…..”

Something that will help navigate these thoughts, feelings, and emotions is to know that the enemy will often speak in 1st person.
2Co 2:11 “…for we are not ignorant of his devices.”

We hear it and we think it’s about me, when it’s actually the enemy projecting thoughts to me.
“I’m miserable.” “I don’t feel good, I’m all alone, even in a crowd.

The Devil is talking about himself – he takes truth and wraps it in an exaggeration or a lie, and speaks to us, - talking in 1st person – yet he is talking about himself.

He is the one who is miserable; he is the one who is alone; etc.

The problem is we connect to those thoughts, we partially identify with them, and we then begin to own them.

That voice is so close to home that I think it’s my thoughts, when it is the enemy of my soul.

It “FEELS” true, so I allow it to be my baseline.

Tool 1: “Where is this coming from?”
Tool 2: “What lie have I believed? OR “What agreement have I made with the enemy?”

Ps 139:23-24 “Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me, and know my anxieties; (anxious thoughts)
And see if there is any wicked way in me, - (any place that is opposite of God’s TRUTH.)

So Jesus, we ask you to come this morning and shine your beautiful warm light into any cold area of my heart / mind that is dark.

2Co 4:6 “For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”

We ask You God to come and shine into our lives Your light.
Shine into our deep places of damage, of captivity, of our brokenness, of pain, of our cynicism.

Show me where my agreements with the enemy was made.

Forgive us for the places we have made agreements with the enemy.

Show us those places now.

Let the freedom of Your truth break every stronghold that has been established as I have agreed with the enemy in the face of Your truth.

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