3 years ago

connect with dene ⁣https://youtube.com/channel/UC....dTe0XqsA7kfVVLsKcaQ5
Food shortages are coming as predicted, many said it would never happen we are in the early stages of IRON MOUNTAIN control the food control the money, the virus has not hit MONEY YET, but it will this will give them an opportunity to take out the CASH! But for now they need to bring you to the table with some other moves! Your freedom was cancelled in UK June and you were told it would be an extra 4 weeks! Remember the STATS all depending on the DATA! The Data is goin to fuck up, and this will give them justification to keep you on lockdown and or impose further restrictions such as QR CODES, VACCINATION PASSPORTS Vaccinated will get priority whilst the unvaccinated will come under more and more restrictions including NO JAB NO BENEFITS everything is a stage everything I have said has already happened in others parts of the world not just ISRAEL, this is a world wide thing this is the NEW WORLD ORDER TECHNOCRACY INC IRON MOUNTAIN LOCKSTEP! Open your eyes they are really playing it out THIS IS NOT A DRILL... Prepare now its starting to warm up and blue beam haven't even started yet.. or the blackouts and the water shortages ... We are in for a rough ride, Avoid the devils table start preparing. This video contains a compilation of videos we have posted over the past 12 months warning of this FOOD SHORTAGE.. Get a bigger picture of whats going on here they are really going to starve us unless we take the vaccination and even then food will be in short supply but vaccinated will get priority and ration packs! - Awakened Light
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