Donald Trump questions if Joe Biden is running the US#

3 years ago

Donald Trump has questioned if anyone knows who is running the Biden administration – saying “I don’t know if it’s Joe to be honest with you”.

The former president spoke to his supporters, at a rally in Sarasota, Florida, about the need to “defend our liberty” from the “radical left movement that seeks to cancel this state, demolish our heritage and destroy our beloved nation”.

“In just five months, the Biden administration has launched an all-out assault on everything we cherish and we value,” Mr Trump said.

“Under Joe Biden and the left – I don’t know if it’s Joe to be honest with you.

“It’s somebody, does anybody know who it is?

“We have to work harder than ever before to win the colossal victory for America First Republicans in the midterms next year and we have to keep fighting exactly like we are for right now.”

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