OFF - Pastor Pawlowski June 29, 2021 (Pt. 2) - Q & A

3 years ago

Ohio Freedom Fighters (OFF) welcomes Pastor Artur Pawlowski in this part 2 of 2 presentation.

We had an issue with the video camera, so we had to quickly bust out a phone and Mcguiver a stable platform to record the Q&A. Apologies in advance.

Thank you FEC United for their efforts! Go to for more information


OHIO FREEDOM FIGHTERS aka OFF is a group of concerned citizens, business owners, and families dedicated to protecting our Biblical and Constitutional rights.

We began as a grassroots movement in response to overarching government and increased threat to our republic. We believe in the power of prayer, and of people joining together to effect change.

We believe that knowledge is power and that when people understand what is going on, they are much more likely to get involved.

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